Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies

Aims and Scope
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies was established in 1960 for promoting scholarly research conducted at Hitotsubashi University. Published annually, the journal presents original contributions in various fields in social sciences and humanities, including anthropology, education, gender studies, global studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, social geography, social history, social policy, social psychology, and sports studies. The contents are aimed at individuals working in the academic and professional spheres, not only in Japan but also across the world.
Table of contents for each issue is available from the university repository system (HERMES-IR). All the papers in Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies are downloadable in pdf format for free of charge from HERMES-IR.
From 2020 onwards, the publication form of the Journal is only electronic.
Web page of Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies in HERMES-IR
Submission Guidelines
For AY 2024-2025
* Please note that submissions will be accepted only from the faculty members and invited fellows. Articles, research notes, and book reviews submitted for publication cannot have been published, have been accepted for publication or be under review elsewhere, though papers that have been presented orally can be submitted provided that that fact is made clear.
Shuhei Ikai
Editorial Administrator
Naoko Tsukamoto