Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management

Aims and Scope
The Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management was established in 1960 for promoting scholarly research conducted at Hitotsubashi University. Published annually, the journal presents original contributions in various fields in social sciences, including accounting, business and economics, business management, culture and industry studies, innovation, marketing, money, and finance. The Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management publishes research regarding advances in commerce and management practices and is intended for academic researchers, business executives, and other influential leaders.
Table of contents for each issue is available from the university repository system (HERMES-IR). All the papers in Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management are downloadable in pdf format for free of charge from HERMES-IR.
From 2020 onwards, the publication form of the Journal is only electronic.
Web page of Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management in HERMES-IR
Submission Guidelines
A. For Faculty Members and Invited Fellows
Manuscripts should be written in English, German, or French.
For AY 2024-2025
B. For Adjunct Assistant Professors and Students at the University
Manuscripts should be written in English, and must be reviewed.
*Please note that submissions will be accepted only from faculty members, invited fellows,
adjunct assistant professors and students at the University.
*All those considering submissions should consult Instructions to Authors.
Instructions to Authors
- Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, the copyrights in the submitted work, such as the right of reproduction or public transmission, including the copyrights protected under any applicable law of any foreign countries, shall be assigned exclusively to Hitotsubashi University in accordance with Hitotsubashi Journal Copyright Policy. When the author(s) reproduce or republish the work elsewhere, please notify Hitotsubashi Journal Editorial Office in advance.
- The editors do not accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted.
- Manuscript should have margins of at least one inch on all sides, using double-spacing throughout. Number each page. The total number of pages should not exceed 40. Please send a single PDF file of the manuscript that includes references, tables and figures as an e-mail attachment to the Editor.
- The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (i) the title; (ii) the name(s) and complete affiliation(s) [including e-mail address(es)] of the author(s); (iii) an abstract of not more than 100 words.
- Acknowledgements and information on grants received should be given in footnote on the first page.
- Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and be numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript in Arabic numerals. All graphs and diagrams should be referred to as figures and should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals.
- Important formulae (displayed) should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2), etc. on the right-hand side of the page. Where the derivation of formulae has been abbreviated, it is of great help to referees if the full derivation can be presented on a separate sheet (not to be published).
- The References should include only the most relevant papers. In the text, references to publications should appear as follows: “Samuelson (1950a) reported that…” or “This problem has been a subject in literature before [e.g., Samuelson (1950b, p.360)] .” The author should make sure that there is a strict “one-to-one correspondence” between the names (years) in the text and those on the list. At the end of the manuscript (after any appendices), the complete references should be listed as follows:
Ara, K. (1958), “Capital Theory and Economic Growth,” Economic Journal 89, pp.511-527.
Arcidiacono, P., P. Bayer, J. Blevins and P. Ellickson (2016), “Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models in Continuous Time with an Application to Retail Competition,”Review of Economic Studies 83, pp.889-931.
CivicPlus Content Management System (n.d.), City of Ithaca, New York (website), Accessed April 6, 2016, http://www.cityofithaca.org/.
European Commission (2007), Making Globalisation Profitable, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Fujino, S. (1965), Nihon no Keikijunkan [Japanese Trade Cycles], Tokyo, Keiso Shobo.
Google (2016), “Privacy Policy,” Privacy & Terms, Last modified March 25, 2016, http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.
Hildenbrand, W. and R. Radner (1979), “Stochastic Stability of Market Adjustment in Dis- equilibrium,” in: J. Green and J.A. Sheinkman, eds.,General Equilibrium, Growth, and Trade: Essays in Honor of Lionel McKenzie, New York, Academic Press, pp.139-149.
Monderer, D. and L.S. Shapley (1996), “Potential Games,” Games and Economic Behavior 14, pp.124-143, https://doi.org/10.1006/game.1996.0044.
Ramey, G. (1996), "Equilibrium R&D with an Infinite Sequence of Innovations," Discussion Paper no. 96-02, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego.
Sumuelson, P. (1950a), “Probability and the Attempts to Measure Utility,” Keizai Kenkyu [Economic Review] 1, pp.167-173.
Sumuelson, P. (1950b), “The Problem of Integrability in Utility Theory,” Economica 17,pp.355-385.
- * For reference sources viewed on the internet, please provide DOIs when available. If not, please write URLs, but the former are more preferable. When publication dates are available, please include them, and if not, access dates should be recorded.
- A work already made public (such as graphs and illustrations) may be quoted appropriately, provided that their making is compatible with fair practice and their extent does not exceed that justified by purposes such as news reporting, criticism or research (Section 32 (1) of the Copyright Act of Japan). Approval of quotations is discussed by specialists. However, if the following three points apply, then the quotation will be approved: (1) the necessity of that quotation is obvious from your own words in your contribution, (2) the quotation is clearly distinguished from your own words and its source is clearly identified and (3) your own words exceed the quotation in quantity. If one of these points is not met, you have to obtain permission for the copyright of the work you use in your contribution.
Makoto Nakano / Hiroshi Ono
Editorial Administrator
Naoko Tsukamoto