The University’s Public Relations Magazine HQ 2014 is Issued (07/08/2014)
Professor Makoto Saito (Graduate School of Economics) is Awarded the Medal of Honour with Purple Ribbon at the 2014 Spring Awards Ceremony (05/20/2014)
Emeritus Professor Setsuo Onari is Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays With Neck Ribbon at the 2014 Spring Awards Ceremony (05/19/2014)
Emeritus Professor Ippei Yamazawa is Awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays With Neck Ribbon at the 2014 Spring Awards Ceremony (05/19/2014)
Academic Year 2014 Entrance Ceremonies (04/22/2014)
Academic Year 2013 Graduation Ceremonies (04/22/2014)
Letters of Appreciation Presented to Resident Assistants and Community Assistants at International Students Dormitory and International House (04/22/2014)
Application for the 2014 Master’s Program at School of International and Public Policy -Foreign Service sub-Program (Global Governance Program) is now open (03/10/2014)
The 4th Chubu Academia Symposium “Possible Scenarios for the future of the Euro, Yen, Dollar and Yuan” was held (01/31/2014)
International Symposium of the European and Asia-Pacific Social Science Network “Economic Revitalization in the Asia-Pacific Region and Europe” was held (12/05/2013)