Legal Innovation: Technology, the Legal Profession and Industrial Change(edited by Professor Mihoko Sumida (Graduate School of Law) and Associate Professor Felix Steffek (University of Cambridge)) has been published.
Koubundou Publishers (Tokyo) has published Legal Innovation: Technology, the Legal Profession and Industrial Change edited by Professor Mihoko Sumida (Hitotsubashi University) and Associate Professor Felix Steffek (University of Cambridge).
The book brings together voices from academia, ministries, international organisations, regulators and practice to discuss legal innovation. A particular focus is on the impact that technology such as digitisation, artificial intelligence and blockchain has on the law.
The publication is an invitation to investigate the changes and challenges the law and its practice are experiencing due to technological advances. The book is based on a lecture series organised at the Faculty of Law of Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo). The published text maintains the discursive style of the course and encourages the reader to further examine innovation in the context of law and technology. Each chapter, for example, contains “post-session talk” by the editors to present the main points of the session and future challenges, and ends with list of essential questions to stimulate further thought.
The book covers topics such as (i) the nature and conditions of legal innovation, (ii) artificial intelligence and dispute resolution, (iii) the entrepreneur’s perspective on legal innovation, (iv) corporate governance in the age of artificial intelligence, (v) technology and legal compliance, (vi) legal business services enabled by artificial intelligence and (vi) innovating access to justice.
For more information about this book, please refer to the Koubundou website.
The book is part of the research project ‘Legal Systems and Artificial Intelligence’ led by Professor Simon Deakin and Professor Mihoko Sumida as principal investigators. For more information on this project, please refer to the project website.
The following persons have contributed to the book: Ludwig Bull (CourtCorrect), Wojtek Buczynski (University of Cambridge), Maaike de Langen (Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies), Counsellor Masato Fujita (Ministry of Justice, Japan), Professor Norichika Ikeda (University of Tokyo), Yuya Ishihara (Xspear Consulting), Professor Masakazu Iwakura (Hitotsubashi University, TMI Associates), Director Takuya Izumi (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan), Counsellor Takashi Kikkawa (Ministry of Justice, Japan), Professor Hiroto Koda (Hitotsubashi University), Professor Souichiro Kozuka (Gakushuin University), Professor Mikiharu Noma (Hitotsubashi University), Director Akira Nozaki (Financial Services Agency, Japan), Ryutaro Ohara (Nakamura, Tsunoda & Matsumoto), Masahiro Saitou (Lawyer), Professor Mari Sako (University of Oxford), Holli Sargeant (University of Cambridge), Professor Kiyotaka Sasaki (Hitotsubashi University), Counsellor Dr Philip Scholz (Ministry of Justice, Germany), Associate Professor Felix Steffek (University of Cambridge), Professor Mihoko Sumida (Hitotsubashi University), Professor Keisuke Takeshita (Hitotsubashi University), Senior Counsellor Dr Tatyana Teplova (OECD), Secretary General Professor Ignacio Tirado (UNIDROIT), Deputy Secretary General Professor Anna Veneziano (UNIDROIT), Dr Hiroaki Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Professor Kazuhiko Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University), Kazuhiro Yoshioka(Lawyer).