

(1) The term “whistleblowing” means

(i) the action taken by any of the University’s executive or staff members (*see “persons who may report as whistleblowers in (2)) to report,
(ii) not for the purpose of wrongful gain, causing damage to others, or for any other wrongful purpose,
(iii) about a reportable fact (see “reportable facts” as defined in (3)) concerning the University or any of the University’s executive or staff members
(iv) that has occurred or is about to occur
(v) to any of the whistleblowing hotlines designated by the University (*see “How to make a whistleblowing report” in (5)).

(2) Persons who may report as whistleblowers

  • Any faculty or staff member of the University or any person who was a faculty or staff member of the University within one year before filing the report.
  • Any person who performs services for the University under a staffing, service or any other contract, or who used to perform services for the University under a staffing, service or any other contract within one year before filing the report.
  • Any member of the University’s Executive Board
  • (3) The term “reportable fact” means

    (i) the fact that a criminal act committed counts as one of the crimes set out in the Whistleblower Protection Act or any of the applicable laws listed in the Appendix thereof, which laws set forth the protection of the lives, bodies, property and other interests of the people, or the fact that is cited as the reason for an administrative fine.
    (ii) when a breach of a punishment set out in any of the laws listed in the Appendix is deemed as such fact as provided in (i), the fact that is cited as the reason for the punishment.

    [The applicable laws include]

    The Whistleblower Protection Act, the Criminal Code, the Food Sanitation Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Act on Japanese Agricultural Standards, the Air Pollution Control Act, the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other laws under cabinet orders (including the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade and Consumer Safety Act and the Consumer Safety Act).

    ■Applicable laws cited in the Whistleblower Protection Act (to the external link)

    (4) Protection of whistleblowers

    Whistleblowers are protected from dismissal, termination of contract or any other disadvantageous treatment for reporting misconduct. In addition, proper measures will be taken to prevent deterioration of the whistleblower’s workplace environment.
    If a whistleblower makes a false report, a slanderous report or other report for any wrongful purpose, the whistleblower may receive a punishment under the Employment Regulations.

    (5) How to report misconduct

    As a whistleblower, you need to give your name and contact information in principle, and use the Whistleblowing Form shown below and submit it either by e-mail, fax or phone, in writing or in person. Anonymous reports may be accepted if such report has a reasonable reason or ground. An anonymous whistleblower may not be notified of investigation results or ask for a fact-finding investigation.
    When submitting a whistleblowing report to the external hotline, you may opt to keep your name anonymous in the subsequent procedures. (At the external hotline, you must reveal your name when submitting your whistleblowing report, but may keep your name anonymous in the subsequent procedures, including during on-campus investigations.)

    Whistleblowing Form

    [PDF] / [Word] (Form No. 1)


  • If you use a sealed letter, clearly indicate “Whistleblowing” on the envelope.
  • To ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the report, please use the Whistleblowing Form shown above and make a report in writing (by post, e-mail, fax or other means) as much as possible.
  • If you submit a report in person, make sure to contact any of the whistleblowing hotlines below in advance and make an appointment for an interview.
  • (Notes about the external whistleblowing hotline)

  • When submitting a whistleblowing report to the external hotline, you may opt to keep your name anonymous in the subsequent procedures. (At the external hotline, you must reveal your name when submitting your whistleblowing report, but may keep your name anonymous in the subsequent procedures, including during on-campus investigations.)
  • Any whistleblowing report accepted by the external hotline is notified to the internal hotline. The University determines whether such report requires investigations and conducts such investigations if needed.
  • External Hotline

    Attorney: Satoshi Komatsu (Komatsu & Ono Law Office)
    Address: PALAIS ROYAL 103, 6-1, Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0085
    Phone: 81-3-3556-6745
    Fax: 81-3-3556-6746
    E-mail: komatsuf[at] *Insert @ in [at] before sending a message.

    Internal Hotline

    Auditing Office
    Address: 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601
    Phone: 81-42-580-8923
    Fax: 81-42-580-8972
    E-mail: ktsuho-aud[at] *Insert @ in [at] before sending a message.

    *The internal hotline below receives whistleblowing when the vice president in charge of audit, the head of the Auditing Office or any member of the Auditing Office is the target of whistleblowing.
    General Affairs Division
    Address: 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601
    Phone: 81-42-580-8007
    Fax: 81-42-580-8889
    E-mail: ktsuho-gen[at] *Insert @ in [at] before sending a message.

    Rules and Regulations of the University

    Reference Websites

    List of contacts

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