President Nakano Participates in an International Symposium to Examine the Future of Higher Education
University representatives from all over the world gathered together on November 15 (Monday) and 16 (Tuesday) for the 12th international symposium of “Reinventing Higher Education” to discuss the future state of higher education. As the sole university from Japan, President Nakano, representing Hitotsubashi University, participated online as a panelist.
Co-organized by IE University, Spain and Luiss University, Italy (both Partner Institutions with Hitotsubashi University), this symposium was held in a hybrid format combining in person and online participation with over 35 speakers from 25 countries taking part.
President Nakano participated in the panel titled “Responsive Higher Education: Towards Collaborative Initiatives”. The participants discussed the current state and challenges facing the global collaboration between universities amidst growing adverse conditions such as the spread of the COVID-19 infection, the conflict between the U.S and China, and the rise of nationalism. The participants in the panel included representatives from King’s College London, Singapore Management University, Sciences Po (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris), YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) and QS (publisher of World University Rankings).
President Nakano highlighted the fact that despite the various growing international tensions, Hitotsubashi University is developing a resilient and sustainable exchange with its global Partner Institutions, including China. Other participants also expressed the opinion that even under the pandemic, the collaboration between universities from all over the world, including developing countries, is strengthening through factors such as the development of online international exchange, the need for global human resource development and the global expansion strategy of universities.
The discussion was streamed live on YouTube to a global audience.
“Here” is the video (President Nakano participated in Panel 3 which begins from around 1:05)