トップページ > ディスカッションペーパー一覧





No. 著者 タイトル 年月 備考
027 Tsuyoshi Tsuru / Motohiro Morishima Product Architecture, Organizational Design, and HRM Practices: Comparing Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Firms 2011.04
026 Nabin Aryal Changing Strategies of Non Government Organizations:Slogan Shouting or Income-Generating Program?-Case Studies from Gandhian NGOs of Northern India 2011.03
025 Wei Huang A New Study of De Facto Regime Classification Moving to Multilateral Exchange Rate Arrangement_based on scheme 2011.02
024 都留康/守島基博 東アジアにおける製品開発と人材マネジメント ―日本・韓国・中国企業の比較分析― 2011.01(2011.05改訂)
023 Jan Fidrmuc Theory of Optimal Fiscal Unions 2010.10
022 Eiji Ogawa/Junko Shimizu AMU and monetary cooperation in Asia 2010.10
021 Yili Zhang 国際金融危機下で進展する東アジアにおける金融協力体制 2010.10
020 Jie Sun A Retrospection of the Chinese Exchange Rate Regime after Reform: Stylized Facts in the Five Years 2010.05
019 Eiji Ogawa Regional Monetary Coordination in Asia after the Global Financial Crisis: Comparison in Regional Monetary Stability between ASEAN+3 and ASEAN+3+3 2010.04
018 Eiji Ogawa / Taiyo Yoshimi Analysis on β and σ Convergences of East Asian Currencies 2010.04
017 Hidenobu Okuda / Lai Thi Phuong Nhung The Determinants of the Fundraising Structure of Listed Companies in Vietnam: The Effects of Government Ownership 2010.02
016 Zhao Chen / Ming Lu / Guanghua Wan Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: An Increasingly Important Contributor to Urban China Income Inequality 2009.12
015 Hidenobu Okuda / Yasushi Take Institutional Change and Corporate Financing in Indonesia: Estimating the Effects of Social and Political Factors on Capital Structure 2009.12
014 Inchul Kim The Optimum Currency Basket Approach to East Asia’s Coordinated Exchange Rate Intervention 2009.11
013 Qiyuan Xu A Study of Currency Internationalization: JPY and CNY 2009.10
012 Zhao Chen / Ming Lu / Hiroshi Sato Social Networks and Labor Market Entry Barriers : Understanding Inter-industrial Wage Differentials in Urban China 2009.9
011 Junko Shimizu / Eiji Ogawa Stability of East Asian Currencies under the Global Financial Crisis 2009.8

010 Luo Chuliang Economic Restructuring, Informal Jobs and Pro-poor Growth in Urban China 2009.2  
009 Feng Jin / He Lixin / Sato Hiroshi Public Pension and Household Saving: Evidence from urban China 2009.2


008 Lu Ming / Zhao Jianzhi The Contribution of Social Networks to Income Inequality in Rural China : a Regression-Based Decomposition and Cross-Regional Comparison 2008.12  
007 Ding Sai / Li Shi An Empirical Analysis of Income Inequality between a Minority and the Majority in Urban China : The Case of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 2008.12
006 Deng Quheng / Li Shi What lies behind rising earnings inequality in urban China? Regression-based decomposition 2008.12
005 Shiqing Jiang / Ming Lu / Hiroshi Sato Happiness in the dual society of urban China : Hukou identity, horizontal inequality and heterogeneous reference 2008.12
004 Lixin HE / Hiroshi Sato Social security and income redistribution in urban China 1995-2002 : an empirical analysis based on annual and lifetime income 2008.09
003 Eiji Ogawa / Junko Shimizu A role of the Japanese yen in a multi-step process toward a common currency in east Asia 2008.09
002 Hiroshi Sato Regional growth disparity in China 1990-2002: a village based study 2008.09
001 James R. Lincoln Innovation and change in the process of alliance formation in the Japanese electronics industry 2008.09

